At ISB, we use the term Elementary to refer to the foundational years here at our school. In Prep, Grade 1, and Grade 2, we guide our students through the transition between kindergarten and “big school”, helping them to become confident, responsible, creative, inquiring learners who participate to the fullest in the school’s culture of inclusivity, proactivity, teamwork, and critical thinking.
Our teachers have a wealth of experience from a range of diverse backgrounds and work closely together to ensure continuity and innovation throughout our students’ academic careers, across both the International and Hungarian curriculums and through to the higher grades.
Meg Hickman, Vice-Principal
I am pleased to welcome you to the Middle School Curriculum section on our School website. At ISB, we use the term Middle School to refer to Grades 3-6. In here, you will find information pertinent to your child with regards to their learning and curriculum. It will also give you a general overview of the school year with regards to the Units that will be covered in each Grade, while affording a degree of flexibility to the order and timeframe that they will be covered in.
We hope you will find this helpful and informative. Please do feel free to contact the individual teachers listed on our website if you have more specific questions related to the lesson.
Dhanya Seshan, Vice-Principal
At ISB, High School refers to grades 7-10. In grades 7 and 8 we follow the Cambridge curriculum, which prepares students for the more demanding years of High School. During these two years the children learn to study more independently, with the use of ICT in the classroom and at home. They engage in a wide range of techniques where they can develop their individual learning styles.
In grades 9 and 10 we prepare our students for the IGCSE exams. These two years require self-motivation and hard work. During these years students will develop the skills of research, analysis, evaluation, reflection, collaboration and communication.
Each curriculum framework is designed to engage learners in an active and creative learning journey.
Vera Homolya, Vice-Principal